# IntelliSense

Vetur offers IntelliSense all over your .vue file.

# <template>

Vetur offers IntelliSense for html tags & attributes.

Vetur also completes Vue specific attributes such as v-if and @click.

Inside template interpolation, such as v-if="|", @click="|" or :attr="|", Vetur offers completions for props, data, computed and methods.

UI Libraries such as Element UI and Onsen UI often include a list of ready-to-use components, and Vetur offers completion for them. Read more at Framework Support.

# <style>

Vetur offers IntelliSense for CSS properties & values in css/scss/less/postcss/stylus.

For stylus you can choose a separator style with the languageStylus.useSeparator option.

# <script>

Vetur supports IntelliSense for js/ts.
The IntelliSense should be almost the same to the IntelliSense in js/ts files.

# Module Resolution

Vetur should be able to resolve external modules and provide IntelliSense for them if they have type definitions.

For example, vue packages type definition in its module, so

  • npm i -S vue or yarn add vue
  • import Vue from 'vue'
  • Vue. should prompt IntelliSense for Vue.

lodash doesn't package type definition with it, but there is @types/lodash that has type definition for lodash, so

  • npm i -S lodash or yarn add lodash
  • npm i -D @types/lodash or yarn add -D @types/lodash
  • import * as _ from 'lodash'
  • _. should prompt IntelliSense for lodash.

See also the Frequently Asked Questions (opens new window) for more information on module resolution with regards to path aliases and Single File Components.