# Component Data

Vue libraries or frameworks can define custom components used in <template> region. For example, vue-router (opens new window) provides <router-link> (opens new window) component that could have attributes such as to and replace. Of course, you can define custom components as well.

Component Data is JSON files that describe the components' tags / attributes declaratively. Vetur is able to load these JSON files to provide auto-completion, hover information and other language features for the Vue components.

The two main ways of utilizing Component Data are:

  • Install a supported framework. Vetur will load its Component Data automatically to provide auto-completion and other features.
  • Workspace Component Data. Vetur can load Component Data defined in your workspace and provide language features for your custom components.

🚧 The data format is not specified yet. 🚧

# Supported Frameworks

Vetur currently bundles Component Data for the following vue libraries:

Vetur reads the package.json in your project root to determine if it should offer tags & attributes completions. Here are the exact dependencies/devDependencies used to determine which Component Data to load.

dependency devDependency Source
vue-router vue-router Vetur (opens new window)
element-ui elment-ui element-helper-json (opens new window)
vue-onsenui vue-onsenui vue-onsenui-helper-json (opens new window)
bootstrap-vue bootstrap-vue Bundled in BootstrapVue v2.1+ (opens new window). Pre v2.1 uses bootstrap-vue-helper-json (opens new window)
buefy buefy Bundled in buefy (opens new window)
vuetify vuetify Bundled in vuetify (opens new window)
gridsome gridsome-helper-json (opens new window)
nuxt nuxt Bundled in @nuxt/vue-app (opens new window) package, or fallback to nuxt-helper-json (opens new window) with @nuxt/components (opens new window) integration
nuxt-edge nuxt-edge Bundled in @nuxt/vue-app-edge (opens new window) package, or fallback to nuxt-helper-json (opens new window) with @nuxt/components (opens new window) integration
quasar / quasar-framework quasar / quasar-cli Bundled in quasar (opens new window) (v1+) and quasar-framework (opens new window) (pre v1) packages
@ionic/vue @ionic/vue Bundled in @ionic/vue (opens new window) (v5.5.0+)
balm-ui balm-ui Bundled in balm-ui (opens new window) (v8.49.0+)

Getting element-ui's completions is as easy as running yarn add element-ui and reloading VS Code.

# Other frameworks

If a package listed in dependencies has a vetur key in its package.json, then Vetur will try to read the tags / attributes specified by that key.

  "vetur": {
    "tags": "dist/vetur/tags.json",
    "attributes": "dist/vetur/attributes.json"

By bundling the tags / attributes definitions together with the framework library, you ensure that users will always get the matching tags / attributes with the specific version of your library they are using.

# Workspace Component Data

You can define custom tags/attributes for your workspace by specifying a vetur key in package.json. For example, to get auto completion for tag <foo-tag> and it's attribute foo-attr, all you need to do is:

  • Create a file tags.json with:

    { "foo-bar": { "description": "A foo tag", "attributes": ["foo-attr"] } }
  • Create a file attributes.json with:

    { "foo-bar/foo-attr": { "description": "description of foo-attr" } }
  • Add this line to package.json:

      "vetur": { "tags": "./tags.json", "attributes": "./attributes.json" }
  • Reload VS Code. You'll get:

    • foo-bar when completing <|
    • foo-attr when completing <foo-bar |

# Adding a Framework

If your Vue UI framework has a lot of users, we might consider bundling its support in Vetur.

You should first consider adding vetur key to your package.json and publishing the tags / attributes together with your package (just as you would do for d.ts files). If you automate the process of generating the Component Data JSON from your source code, then users can always enjoy up-to-date support for your framework.

Here is an example of Nuxt.js (opens new window) adding Component Data support: https://github.com/vuejs/vetur/pull/1921 (opens new window).