# Quick start

Here are five common use cases.

# Vue CLI

Offical Website (opens new window)
When you create project with Vue CLI,
If you are not using typescript, please add jsconfig.json at opened project root.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es2015",
    "module": "esnext",
    "baseUrl": "./",
    "paths": {
      "@/*": ["components/*"]
  "include": [

Add shim-types file for import Vue SFC in typescript file.

If you use typescript, you don't need to do anything in your project.

# Veturpack

Github (opens new window)
It works out of the box.

# Laravel / Custom project

Please keep package.json and tsconfig.json/jsconfig.json at opened project root.
If you can't do it, please add vetur.config.js for set config file path.
Add shim-types file for import Vue SFC in typescript file.

# Monorepo

Please add vetur.config.js for define projects.